Connect to Slack

Niice makes it easy to connect a board to Slack to keep your whole team in the loop. Here’s how…

Chris Armstrong
Niice Help Center


1. Open the board you want to connect to Slack, and click on ‘Share’.

2. Select ‘Slack’

3. Click ‘Add to Slack’

4. Select which Slack channel you want to post to, and click ‘Authorise’.

You can change the channel later, and even connect different boards to different channels. You can also connect to Direct Messages.

5. That’s all!

Now whenever you add images or comments on a board, you’ll get notifications on Slack. Images will be added in full, with a link back to the board for more visual discussion.

You can also customise which notifications you’d like to post to Slack (see below).

Customise notifications

Once you’ve connected to Slack, you can customise which activity you’d like to be notified about. Go back to the Slack section of your Share settings, and use the checkboxes to toggle notifications on or off.

These settings are set per board, so you can have one board that only notifies Slack about new images, and another that notifies about everything.

Connecting other boards & channels

The next time you go to connect a board to Slack, you’ll notice that you can select any previously-connected channels from a dropdown. This means you can easily connect multiple boards to a single Slack channel without having to go through the connection process again.

Or if you want to connect to another channel which hasn’t been connected already, select ‘Connect to new channel’.

Disconnecting a board

To disconnect a board from Slack, open the board’s Share settings, select ‘Slack’, then click on the channel selector and select ‘None’.

Any questions? Get in touch!



Chris Armstrong
Niice Help Center

30. 5' 6". Don’t know what I’m talking about. Currently making up @NiiceApp.