Embed a private video from Vimeo

Chris Armstrong
Niice Help Center
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2016

Want to add a video to a Niice board but don’t want it to be publicly available on the web? Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Upload the video to Vimeo.com
  2. While it’s uploading, set Privacy to ‘Hide this video from Vimeo’.
    This ensures nobody will be able to accidentally stumble upon it.
  3. Wait till the video has been uploaded and processed (i.e. when you can actually watch it on Vimeo), then add it to your board on Niice as normal.

If the video is already uploaded on Vimeo, go to your video’s settings page, and in the Privacy settings, ensure it looks like this:

For some reason, comments need to be turned on to embed the video successfully.



Chris Armstrong
Niice Help Center

30. 5' 6". Don’t know what I’m talking about. Currently making up @NiiceApp.