NiiFi Weekly Update: 2nd August

NiiFi Team
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2021

The team are laser focused on achieving, and sticking to our mainnet target of September. The dev team is beavering away as usual, and the exec team is back-to-back with meetings — moving the needle in what will be adoption and ecosystem support.

With that in mind, here’s the best of this week:

  • Finalized Pools
  • Work with console warnings
  • Refining dashboard design
  • On-ramp with layer 2
  • General bug fixes
  • Refactoring
  • Lead investor Andrew Keys of DARMA Capital joined the speakers at Outlier Venture’s Diffusion Digital where he spoke about the open Metaverse, DeFi as well as the importance of instant finality with nahmii & NiiFi
  • Have a read of CEO, Jacobo’s interview with CrowdFund Insider
  • As a NiiFi supporter we bring you these updates because we care about our community and investors, we value your feedback and early belief in us immensely. We continue to work hard on achieving REAL targets and ready ourselves for marketing REAL working products.

About NiiFi

NiiFi have built tools from the ground up to facilitate high volume institutional needs and commercial use-cases. By this we mean institutions and commercial players who want to access the unique functionality that DeFi offers but find that current implementations can’t facilitate their needs.

That’s why NiiFi will be ground breaking. NiiFi will be the Uniswap and Compound of nahmii. Except it will have the performance that is required for “real world” products. Our target is for products with 100s of millions of people, or institutions to use. Simply allowing them to dip into constant liquidity products is a paradigm shift.

Those big customers are as excited as you to see what’s coming. In many cases, we’ve been speaking to them for years. NiiFi has been designed from scratch to give them what they need & want.

This is facilitated by our underlying technology, nahmii, the only layer 2 which gives high transaction throughput, low latency, instant finality and predictable fees.

NiiFi has the opportunity to onboard institutions to be able to utilise DeFi tools, that’s the mission the team are well on the way to achieving!


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