Books: Sapiens…Completed.
After numerous days spent devouring and hanging onto the words of Yuval Noah Harari - I have finally finished Sapiens and I can say, with the upmost honesty that it is one of the best books that I have ever read.
His description and portrayal of our species was enlightening and all encompassing ranging from our birth, to our evolutionary tales across the planet and finally to our future, where death, it seems, could be perceived as a thing of the past.
He outlines our revolutionary periods of existence starting from our industrial revolution to our cognitive revolution which has ultimately enabled us to distinguish ourselves from other beings cohabiting this planet.
We construct our environment around us to fulfil our needs and desires, enabling us to flourish. We have engineered farming so that hunger will no longer be a problem of the future. We encounter scientific breakthroughs so that the human mind can live out its imaginations.
The abilities of the human mind to envisage and construct a reality that is in agreement with the population on the planet is something that could never have been achieved without our curiosity and spread of knowledge as we seek to push boundaries and challenge belief systems.
Sapiens has truly been an eye opening book that has enlightened me about specific paths in history that I knew not and would rate it a 5/5 because of the breadth of knowledge that it has provided me with.
I would thoroughly recommend it to any of you who would like to educate yourself on our past in order to recognise just how powerful we are.
Nikki x