Nile Prototype 1.1.0


Marco Castignoli


Client Authentication System

You can register and login with the client (it uses the same system of the node authentication system).

First, enter a name for the client then press register. Check the log in the browser and save your token. Or you can go and take a look at the clients table on sqlite. You will find a new row, like this one

You can use the token to login, the authentication system is used by the queue system.

Queue System

When you load a node you will be able to send requests even if the node is not online.

This is possible because of the queue system. When you send a request to an offline node, the local instance will save your request inside the queue table in sqlite.

Once the node goes back online it will get a list of requests to process and reply to the client, if the client is not online it will send the request to the queue.

Next article…

In the next article I’ll explain how clients and nodes can communicate even if one is offline. Nile Prototype 1.2.0

Thanks for your time.

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