Nile Prototype 1.2.0

The Queue System

Marco Castignoli


Queue System

The local instance provides a way to allow clients and nodes to exchange information even if one of the two is offline.

Usually the requests between the client and the node are transmitted using the WebSocket id as recipient, but when one is offline then the node_id or the client_id are used. When this happens the local instance saves the request in the MySql table called queue.


Every time a node login, it receives a list of queued request. The node immediately process them replying to the client. If the node specifies the queue_id in the request the local instance will delete the corresponding line.


The client manages the queue using a graphical interface. When the process button is clicked, the client will fill the data of the corresponding node (sender property) with the content property.

Next article…

In the next article we’ll explain how to manage nodes graphically. Nile Prototype 1.3.0

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