Demystifying BXP — What Are Brushing Experience Points?

Nilo official
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2023

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What BXP is all about
  • How to earn BXP

Enter the era of oral care gamification with the introduction of Brushing Experience Points (BXP).

What is BXP?

Brushing Experience Points (BXP) are points you earn each time you brush your teeth.

How It Works:

To earn BXP, users require the Nilo app, a Nilo Avatar, and a charged Smart Toothbrush. The toothbrush records the total time and zone coverage of each brushing session, and when synced with the app, this data becomes BXP, allowing users to level up and evolve their Nilo avatar.

Daily Brushing Habit:

Users can earn BXP by brushing up to three times a day, but they must meet specific criteria, such as brushing for the recommended time and covering all zones, to qualify. If the recommended 2 to 3 times a day brushing routine is not met, the Nilo Avatar’s health starts to decay, resulting in reduced BXP earnings.

Tracking Brushing Sessions:

Nilo offers three distinct modes for tracking brushing sessions:

  1. Guided Brushing: it is a feature in the Nilo app that gives users a step-by-step two-minute guide for brushing. It ensures complete coverage of all brushing zones. Users are then scored based on the time spent on each zone.
  2. Offline Brushing: it allows the Smart Toothbrush to work without the app, keeping reports of the last 7 days of unguided brushes. Only the duration of the brushing sessions is considered in scoring the user’s offline brushing.
  3. AI Brushing: it is a feature for users without the Nilo Smart Toothbrush; the app offers an AI mode. In this mode, only the duration of brushing sessions is used in scoring the user’s offline brushing.

Take Note:

- Offline brushing: When you press the power button, the Smart Toothbrush will turn on for 2 minutes, vibrating every 30 seconds to update the user on their progress.

- AI Brushing: This feature is currently under development.


Brush Session Scoring Table

Understanding the Maximum Earning Score:

  1. Completion Criteria:
  • Achieve a maximum earning score of 100% by following the recommended brushing duration and covering all 12 brushing zones with the Smart Toothbrush.

Game Note: specific numbers may be subject to adjustment for game balancing.

Earning BXP in Detail:

  1. Real-world Metrics:
  • After each brush session, the Smart Toothbrush transmits real-world brushing metrics to the application.
  • The data is then scored and measured against the efficiency rate of your Nilo avatar to determine the total BXP earned for that session.

2. Efficiency Rate:

  • The higher your Nilo avatar’s efficiency rate, the more BXP you can potentially gain per brushing session.

3. Brush Duration (40%):

  • Allocate 40% of the 100 points to the duration of the brushing session.
  • Earn 5% at 30 seconds, and then continue earning 5% for every additional 15 seconds of brushing.
  • Receive a bonus 10% for reaching the expert-recommended two-minute mark.

4. Brush Frequency:

  • Sync your offline brushing history to earn bonus BXP for meeting brushing streaks.

5. Zone Coverage (60%):

  • Allocate 60% of the total score based on the time spent brushing each of the 12 zones.
  • Each zone is allocated 5%, divided into two-time targets of 5 seconds and 7 seconds to achieve the full score for that specific zone.

Take Note:

Zone Coverage is scored only when a Guided Brushing is performed. In Offline Brushing, only the brush duration is used to score the individual brush session making offline brushing sessions capable of earning only 40% of the 100 points possible.

In conclusion,

Leveling up your Nilo involves earning specific BXP for each level. As you accumulate BXP, you not only advance your Nilo’s level but also contribute to the weekly epoch for $NLT earning. It’s important to reach level 20 to actively participate in earning $NLT. Keep earning BXP, leveling up your Nilo, and unlocking potential rewards through consistent oral care habits.

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