Branding and Website for Yomko

Nimax Digital Agency
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2018

The Client

Moscow-based ‘shelving experts’ Yomko, who specialize in used warehouse equipment, have entered the market with a new technical outfitting service for warehouses. From shelves and forklifts to engineering and cleaning services, everything can be ordered directly on their website.

The Challenge

To structure a chaotic market, making it transparent and easy to understand; to make it easier for clients to select subcontractors; and to present the company as a market leader. The company’s positioning on the market must be carefully considered, and a company name and a memorable visual solution developed on this basis. The focus must be on clarity, professionalism, and practicality.


At the strategy phase, we established that the company should be positioned as a service that provides rapid technical outfitting for warehouses. The company name supports this positioning. ‘Yomko’ (a Russian word meaning both ‘capacious’ and ‘concise’) is a short yet vivid and memorable name reflecting the company’s services, which involve fitting everything into a specific space within a specific timeframe.

Visual Identification Concept

In our search for an idea for the company’s visual identity, we took the main shape of the product as our starting point, basing our concept on the metaphor of a warehouse with empty shelves. The regular geometry of the warehouse is associated with order, precision, and practicality.

We then took this image to a more abstract level, expressing the metaphor of shelving with the help of simple geometric forms.


We simplified the main identifying characteristic down to a parallelepiped. To this simple design, we added the company name in sharp, easily adaptable lettering. The large graphical part of the logo effectively supports the company name.

The principal advantage and uniqueness of this idea lies in the flexibility and scaling of the key identifier, which makes it possible to create an unlimited number of forms in the same style.

The concept works well as an animation and can take on various meanings, from building a warehouse to filling holes in client’s businesses.


We chose the shape of a container for all media in the corporate style. This is a flexible and variable solution that can be used on media of all kinds.


We developed guidelines for working with the corporate style. These set out the technical specifications for using the identifier.


For the project launch we created this prototype of the landing page in order to introduce the new service to the market.

