What is Nimbella and what does it offer?

Mihika Pal
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2021

What is Nimbella and why it was featured in the Forrester report along with the public cloud providers?

There was Twitter buzz regarding the latest annual Forrester report on the most significant FaaS vendors in 2021 where different cloud influencers were asking — what is Nimbella?

Forrester Wave™: Function-As-A-Service Platforms, Q1 2021 report covers the nine most significant serverless platform providers. Eight out of the nine are the largest public cloud vendors and there is only one startup that made it into the category of the Strong Performers — Nimbella!

So let us answer the most intriguing questions -

  1. What is Nimbella?
  2. Why was Nimbella named the strong performer?
  3. How to start with Nimbella?

Well, let us share more about what is Nimbella, our vision and key features of the Serverless Platform.

What is Nimbella?

Nimbella is a silicon valley startup that makes serverless development frictionless and portable. Nimbella’s serverless platform unifies the programming experience and provides the necessary abstractions to enable the developers to code once and run on cloud-of-their-choice. It is available as a hosted service and as a full-stack solution on any public or private Kubernetes environment.

Now let me share some key features of the Nimbella Serverless Platform:

  • We are the only multi-cloud platform → No Vendor lock-in.
  • We are based on open standards — Our co-founder and CTO, Rodric Rabbah was the co-creator of Apache OpenWhisk).
  • We simplify the developer experience of developing on Kubernetes infrastructure (public or private)

Find more about the Nimbella Serverless Platform: Download The Technical Whitepaper

Why was Nimbella named the strong performer?

The report provides a 40-criterion evaluation of function-as-a-service (FaaS) platforms and identified the nine most significant ones and scored the vendors’ performance across three categories: current offering, strategy, and market presence.

The Forrester report cites:

“Nimbella fully embraces hybrid cloud with a FaaS-anywhere approach. Like IBM Cloud Functions, Nimbella is based on the open-source Apache OpenWhisk project. Nimbella adds a simple, fast developer onboarding process to a runtime that developers can use in a pure FaaS model, as an installable function platform on other public clouds, or even on-premises. Nimbella delivers this FaaS-anywhere approach with robust container support, broad support for programming languages, and configurable settings for maximum function duration. The result: a FaaS solution that well suits long-running stateful functions.“

Nimbella uses a cloud-native software stack that delivers a runtime environment for functions and containerized applications. It is available as a hosted, managed service and as a full-stack solution on any public or private Kubernetes environment to fully support an enterprise’s multi-cloud strategy.

Nimbella Serverless Platform includes these components:

  • Developer Tools — CLI & browser-based tool
  • Serverless Compute — functions and containers engine
  • Serverless Storage — integrated key-value store and object store
  • System Services — Logging, monitoring, tracing and more
  • Management Tools — admin CLI and dashboard to manage underlying infrastructure

Find out more about Nimbella, an enterprise-grade Serverless Platform by downloading the whitepaper on “The State of Serverless in the Enterprise” by Rishidot Research → Download The Business Whitepaper

How to start with Nimbella?

Nimbella is available as Nimbella Enterprise and Nimbella Cloud.

To sign up for Nimbella Cloud simply use your GitHub login (no credit-card required) here.
Contact Nimbella at sales@nimbella.com to use Nimbella Enterprise which is installable on the cloud-of-your-choice or your private infrastructure.
There is also a no sign-in (anonymous) option where you can create, run and share up to ten serverless functions in multiple languages.

I hope I have answered most of your questions, if not, feel free directly to reach out to me at agarwal.anshu@nimbella.com.

This blog was initially published on Nimbella. Keep an eye out for this space and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.

