On-Demand Chat

Gabriel Ortiz
The Blog Stack
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2015

Nimble Chat is a text based concierge service. We use OnDemand services to get you the things you want. If you have a service you want to integrate, please get in touch.

We thought, “Why not text directly to a service?”

And that was basically it. The idea grew around how slack had improved our communication when we were thinking about something cool we could build with our tech. We started thinking about a “Slack for everything” and decided to integrate with a fairly complex but easy to use service… Uber. Uber for Slack was born! The beta is available here.

Just switch on a service.

If you have an Uber account, a Slack account and an Android phone. You’re all set for the beta! Our app is a set of switches. The services run in the background and you use Slack where you want. In the browser, on desktop or on a tablet. As long as you have these switches on your phone, you can run Nimble Chat services in Slack!

What’s next? Services for text.

Uber seemed very natural over Slack messenger. We decided that it would be really cool to look at what was possible with other APIs. We’ll be releasing Nimble Chat for SMS very soon! Sign up to be notified at our website and request your favorite On Demand service!

Up next? Postmates for Slack!

Before we release Nimble Chat for SMS, we’ll continue to build on top of Slack messenger, we’re releasing Postmates for Slack this week with more services to come. What will you ask for?



Gabriel Ortiz
The Blog Stack

Creative & Technologist. Staunch Utilitarian. Transportation Futurist. Urban Outdoorsman.