Eclipsed Bonds

Nipunika Jain
Nimbus Niche
Published in
Nov 11, 2023

Who are you if not mine?
I don’t own you, nor do I owe you,
Yet what binds us is the ego of not leaving first.

Promises of leaving this town together,
Exploring the world side by side,
Seeking adventures wherever we go.

Being there without ifs and buts,
Painting a life with our shared dreams,
Sailing together through the toughest tides.

Able to anticipate what the other will say,
Calming each other’s insecurities,
Embracing crazy annoyances and loving quirks.

Then the day things went south,
Caring turned into a burden,
Distance crept into our once cozy alley.

Who are you if not mine?

