Nimiq Communication Hackathon

Revisiting the human cornerstone of Nimiq

Team Nimiq
3 min readSep 5, 2018


Important Announcement

Activation of NIM from NET deadline is October 14 2018. If you still hold NET Tokens we strongly encourage you to proceed with the Activation process without further delay.

If you’ve been following us on Twitter you are probably aware of our latest announcements regarding the ongoing professional branding revamp for Nimiq. This process of re-evaluating the overarching Nimiq identity aims at communicating a single, more concise message and even more importantly at allowing to communicate a clear ‘feeling’ of what Nimiq represents. This may affect everything from the Nimiq logo to the way we plan releases and new features.

We know you are curious about it so let’s get down to the What, Why and How of this marketing exercise.


What is it? An iteration (improvement) of the Nimiq brand, core message, and communication style. A single set of values that all Nimiq supporters can share and identify with.


In the first stages of the project, we focused on its technology in order to build a technical foundation and community. To achieve this we went through a series of coding hackathons where developers from our team worked continuously in a single location for a number of months & weeks until achieving a specific, previously defined goal.

We are well aware of the importance of communication and the fact that so far we have been concentrating efforts mostly on the technical foundation of the project. Our community has taken good care of keeping us reminded, and we have been listening. We think now is the right time, given that Nimiq is at a more mature state were increasing visibility is the natural step forward. Not a lot of people know about Nimiq, we want to change that.

This is our first hackathon-style effort focused on communication/ marketing/brand. Our community has been clear about their enthusiasm for a more visible brand and we want to provide them with the resources to help. These resources need to be consistent and rooted at the core of what Nimiq is about.


We invited various marketing/communication professionals over, including our team members Julian and Tammo from overnice with whom we’ve already worked intensely and successfully. Based on the feedback from the community and their well-rounded experience in Design, UX, Communication, and Marketing, we are re-assessing the specific audience we want to reach in this stage of the project and the message we want to deliver.

The steps

1- Individual interviews with team members and active/strong supporters of the Nimiq Community.

According to each individual:

  • What is Nimiq?
  • If Nimiq is a person, how would she/he look like and behave?
  • What is the goal of Nimiq?
  • What do we need to do to reach that high-level goal?
  • Who should be our main audience to achieve such a goal?

2- Discussion including results of the interviews and external assessment from overnice. Leveraging their position of knowledge/familiarity combined with their external perception of the project.

3- Suggestion of a concise definition of core values, mission/vision, high-level goal, and long-term steps to achieve that goal.

4- Developing a set of brand-assets (Logo, Font, Design/Communication Guidelines, Brand Book, General Message)

The Goal

A single, consistent and strong message (Vision/Mission) and resources of what Nimiq is, what it plans to achieve and how we plan to get there in the long term.

Such message will steer all efforts from the team and the community while being easily delivered by them to anyone interested in Nimiq. This will support establishing a professional marketing setup and with that address an ongoing community request.

Our core values mean that we are very selective about our marketing practices. While aiming at increasing awareness about Nimiq significantly, our marketing is focusing on providing long-term oriented values for our targeted audiences.

We will share updates as soon as we have reached a tangible outcome. In the meantime, we encourage you to leave feedback in the comments section below.

Team Nimiq

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