Nimiq Mainnet Launch FAQ

Team Nimiq
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018


The Mainnet launch is imminent. Here are some important things to keep in mind for the launch:

security, Security, SECURITY!

The most secure approach is to ALWAYS start at:

Manually type this in the URL address bar of your browser, check spelling and bookmark the URL. DO NOT enter passwords, pass phrases, recovery words, PINs or anything that might appear remotely security relevant unless you are 100% sure you got to the request to enter such information via DO NOT follow links on social media (Twitter, Chat Channels, Emails, etc), there will be PHISHING attempts by malicious parties. Beware of Scammers! DO NOT trust or believe any ETH or other “money” giveaway announcements— EVER.


Right now you can test the first version of the Nimiq Ecosystem with the Testnet. After Mainnet is launched this Testnet will remain online and available for developers. It will be used to continuously test, fine-tune and improve the Ecosystem.

Creating an Account

Even though you can create an account with the Nimiq Safe app on the Testnet and the technology itself is very similar to what will run on Nimiq Mainnet, we highly recommend to wait for the launch and create new accounts when the Mainnet is live. The same goes the other way round: Don’t use accounts created on or for the Mainnet on the Testnet.

NET Holders & Activation

NET Holders that activated NIM by the cut-off (March 31, Ethereum Block number 5360536) will be part of the Genesis Block. As soon as Mainnet is launched, the Access File with Password (or 24 Recovery Words) created with the Activation Tool can be used in the Nimiq Safe app to import the account. The amount of NIM in the account will reflect NIM activated up to the cut-off. NIM activated after the cut-off will be added as soon as possible, but some time after the Mainnet launch. We highly recommend NET holders to only import their NIM account in the Mainnet Safe app. Activation will remain open for up to six months after Mainnet launch. If you need help with the activation process remember to go to the Nimiq Telegram or Discord groups for support.

Node.js Miners

With Mainnet launch we plan on adding “Downloads” under the “Tech” section of where you will find installation packages for Windows, Debian-based and Red Hat-based systems. Quick start instructions will also be provided in and more technical details can be found in the Nimiq GitHub.

Note: You can use the Account you created with the Activation Tool as your mining account.

Browser Miners

Also with Mainnet launch you will be able to participate in the securing and mining of the Nimiq Mainnet. Simply go to the Nimiq Miner app on Note that you can adjust the amount of threads used by your Browser by clicking on ‘My Hashrate’ at the bottom of the Browser Miner interface.

Not much left to say. As always thank you for your support and being part of this journey. See you on the Mainnet.

Team Nimiq

DISCLAIMER: None of the statements must be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation for Nimiq, any cryptocurrency, or investment product. Neither the information, nor any opinion contained herein constitutes a solicitation or offer by the creators or participants to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments or provide any investment advice or service.

