Nimiq Swag Shop

Open for Business

Team Nimiq
2 min readSep 10, 2018


Yes, you are reading correctly!

The first humble version of a Nimiq Swag Shop is open for business.

Showcasing the ease-of-use of the NIM checkout process for Nimiq Keyguard (browser-based) accounts (Ledger Nano S accounts are not supported yet), the Nimiq Swag Shop offers:

Nimiq-branded T-Shirts.

And Nimiq-branded Baseball Caps.

Nimiq as browser-based crypto, demonstrates how easy the online purchase process can be without the need for intermediaries or installation to support the blockchain interaction. Our plan is to open source this process upon further refinement. This includes opening up our APIs to third-parties and also to release our WooCommerce plugin. This will not only allow for an easy checkout flow, but will also enable an easy and secure integration of Nimiq in any other app. Enjoy!

Team Nimiq

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