Community Update

T-Shirts, Nerd Temple 2 and New Team Member

Team Nimiq
3 min readSep 28, 2017


Closing in on our goal of (somewhat) regular development updates, here’s what’s been going on at Nimiq:

T-Shirts finalized

We completed work on the design for the t-shirts for those of our Testnet Pioneers that managed to mine 1'000 BetaNIM (or more). In case you forgot, here the rules that were applied:

We’re quite happy with the result, since we feel that it captures the spirit of our testnet and its miners quite nicely… so be ready for a surprise. In the meantime here’s a teaser of the back side:

As of today the T-Shirts are shipping out, so you should receive your shirt sometime during October, depending on your global location.

Nerd Temple 2

As Philipp already mentioned in one of our recent Vlogs (Vlog 31 — Hacking the Hackers), we’ve now reached a stage in our development work where we’re not relying on Hackathons only, but have established a consistent decentralized development routine. As part of this multi-location effort we have another „Nerd Temple“ to gather at on occasion in Saarbruecken (near the German, French & Luxembourg border).

This beautiful little town not only sits right in the center of Europe, but is also the original home to several developers from the team, more specifically from the tech department (hence the name „Nerd Temple 2“).

Bean bags are a must in the Nerd Temple
Height-adjustable desks and ‘long-distance’ seating

Over the last month we’ve been busy with scouting for potential locations and preparing the place where we can meet for such purposes.

We are moving to Discord

We have disabled new registrations to our Slack to protect our users from the spamming/scamming attempts that were heavily increasing. A lot of our community members suggested moving to Discord and after analyzing it we’ve decided to give it a go. The Telegram channel will remain active as always but more specific discussion will be moved from Slack to Discord. Feel free to join!

Introducing Frederik Dressel

We are happy to announce the addition of another Saarbrücken team member, Frederik Dressel. „Fred“ (as you can find him in our Telegram/Discord groups) is a former writer for the Saarbrücker Zeitung and contributor to both journals and anthologies in his field, and will be aiding the team with Communication and Research.

Fred has been an active member of the community and avid follower of the Nimiq project from the very beginning and is passionate about language and communication, which led him to pursue a B.A. in English and Comparative Linguistics and a subsequent M.A. in Comparative Literature and Slavic Studies from the Saarland University. Furthermore he is a fluent speaker of English and German, and has extended knowledge of both French and Russian.

Now, he’s very excited about using his love for the written word to connect blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to the mainstream.

As always, thank you for your support and stay tuned,

Team Nimiq

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