Nimiq Stats Gateway + iOS SDK at NIMIQSTATS.COM

Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2018

While working on some Nimiq powered projects I needed access to the available API services for network stats, so I setup a Nimiq API Gateway to access all of them from one place

Available API services:

iPhone developers can integrate Nimiq stats from available API services through the swagger generated iOS SDK library for ObjectiveC (Android soon). Here is an example to get Nimiq network stats summary from

#import <NimiqStats/NIMApiClient.h>
#import <NimiqStats/NIMDefaultConfiguration.h>
// load models
#import <NimiqStats/NIMData.h>
// load API classes for accessing endpoints
#import <NimiqStats/NIMDefaultApi.h>
NIMDefaultApi*apiInstance = [[NIMDefaultApi alloc] init];

[apiInstance nimiqxNetworkStatsGetWithCompletionHandler:
^(NIMData* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error calling NIMDefaultApi->nimiqxNetworkStatsGet: %@", error);

Available Nimiq iOS API calls are available on GitHub and the homepage for Nimiq Stats is located at

See my other Nimiq projects: Windows Nimiq Desktop Miner & Nimiq Average CPU Hashrates Report

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and announcements for the other Nimiq projects I’m working on.

