Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2018


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The Nimiq Community Update — Week 11

Welcome to the Nimiq Community Update! This a community contributed weekly write-up on what Team Nimiq have been posting in the official Nimiq discord channel alongside community led projects and content being created for Nimiq. Nimiq.Community will always be ‘by the community for the community’.

Nimiq is a browser-based Blockchain designed for simplicity. Nimiq’s reason for existence is to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to the mainstream. To achieve that purpose Nimiq has been built from the ground up to address and break the barriers to entry that inhibit the mainstream adoption of blockchain technologies. Nimiq is encompassed by a strong philanthropic mindset, it will always remain open-source and community-driven.

Aligning the community

Week 11 brings a multitude of Nimiq.Community related updates from the launch of a community managed Nimiq roadmap to a new medium for all Nimiq Community related content, this expansion is part of a strategy to galvanise and highlight the fantastic work of community members.

As part of aligning the tone of voice, messaging, branding and other aspects of Nimiq.Community; the discord moderation team has been expanded to support Nimiq.Community related social media, Team Nimiq ‘s community manager Richy is advising this effort.

Here’s a list of the Nimiq.Community social channels that will be managed:

If you would like to contribute to Nimiq.Community please get in touch with any of the Nimiq discord moderation team or through any of the social media links above.



Following last week’s post about the test version of the Nimiq web-shop, the Nimiq ledger promotion announced as part of the ‘Nimiq: Past, Present & Future’ blog series by Team Nimiq is approaching completion, whilst details haven’t been shared on the form this promotion will take, it will be integrated as a multi-pronged marketing strategy highlighted in the aforementioned blog series.

Exchanges & Trade


Week 11 see’s the addition of BTC-ALPHA to the roster of exchanges that have integrated and listed NIM pairings. BTC-ALPHA is a UK-based exchange with a Russian development team (?) with an estimated 24 Hour volume of $4.3 million across its entire offering. Volume across Tradesatoshi, LAToken, Nimex and BTC-ALPHA remains illiquid with the total NIM/BTC being exchanged a week under 10 BTC.

The Nimiq.com landing page has been updated with a ‘Exchanges’ tile with the current price and roster of exchanges that have integrated NIM thus far.

The entire cryptocurrency market is currently experiencing a bear market, however a turn in fortunes seems to be on the horizon, with the total market capitalisation at $277,064,257,494 up from $254,767,789,5711 week ago according to CoinMarketCap.

Network status, Mining & Transaction volume

Visit Nimiq.watch & Poolwatch.info for more Nimiq network statistics

Following the deployment of additional seed nodes to improve the Nimiq networks stability there has been no issues with reaching network consensus. An incident occurred early in the week where an update pushed through didn’t allow people to reach consensus through Nimiq safe, this problem was quickly rectified by Team Nimiq and did not effect the operation or integrity of the blockchain.

Week 11 of mainnet brings a fluctuation in the global hashrate with a low of 403 MH/s on the 2nd July and a high of 824 MH/s on the 7th.

Global hashrate distribution is skewed toward centralisation with Skypool & Skypool HK dominating an estimated 70% of the network. To address the concerns about centralisation it is important to note that mainland-China based miners have difficulties using peer-to-peer (P2P) nodes due to the tight restrictions placed on internet traffic in the country (Great firewall of China), Skypool owner Azard has been a trust-worthy member of the community far before mainnet launch with Skypool being the first ever pool established for Nimiq. Whilst Skypool dominating the hashrate isn’t ideal, as the network grows, the natural distribution of the hashrate will occur.

Another set of activated NET has been pushed through by the Nimiq team resulting in a spike in NIM volume this week. The general transaction volume remains stable following the slow upward trend since mainnet launch.

Community development

  • Twinibot developed and managed by Sushi member Stefan now has a website where you can find out more about integrating the Twitch-based Nimiq tipbot on your Twitch channel, Twinibot has gone through a number of updates so check the project out!
  • Nimlinks created by Sushi member Rick and the Nimex.app team enables users to send a link to anybody to mine Nimiq for a selected pool and wallet address.
  • Nimiq Desktop Miner created by Sushi member KunaniGaming has been updated to support a number of different languages alongside optimisations, the miner is windows based.
  • CoinFalcon is an upcoming exchange looking to list a number of new coins, please go over to the link above and support Nimiq’s listing there.
  • Nimtool created by community member Germanicus is a simple tool that pulls information about Nimiq from api.Nimiqx.com.
  • NimiqPocket is a new Nimiq mining pool that users can join to mine Nimiq. Servers are primarily aimed at those in Asia.

If you’d like your community update added to the next post please contact me through the comments or @Symphonys on the Nimiq Discord!

*This article is an opinion piece, some aspects maybe factually incorrect and maybe subject to change in the future. This is not financial advice.*

Want to support the writer? Donate some NIM to: NQ41 NUAG 25KF 244P FVJ7 ERPU X669 RN27 1GB2

