The Show Will Go On, And Everyone Can Join.

Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone can tell it. Sometimes you don’t know how to start, sometimes you don’t know what to add, and sometimes you don’t even know that you have a story. These barriers that keep us from unleashing our storytelling potential are shattered by the newest addition to Nimses. The Showcast. It opens a new world of possibilities in how you, alongside others, can share your story.

3 min readJul 18, 2019


Nimses Showcast is a geo-based story-telling pool.

Stories often have more than one side to them, especially when more people are involved. The more perspectives we can see, the more vibrant and complete a story becomes. Most conventional story-telling platforms are uni-directional. They only allow stories to be told from one perspective, with no input from spectators. Showcast completely changes that. Anyone with a story can start their own Showcast, and anyone who wants to add their own part, are free to do so. As more people add their episodes, the story develops further. This allows communities to be built around those events, those stories, that are worth sharing.

Anyone’s Showcast can hit the Trending list.

Everyone knows what makes a good story. Even those who have trouble telling their own, can be critical of others. As the final season of the HBO hit series “Game of Thrones” came to an end, viewers were fierce in criticizing its conclusion. The angry crowd took to social media in a frenzy, pointing out every flaw and dictating their own versions of how it should have ended. Imagine if those viewers had a say in how the story would end. Now that would be something.

Like a series trailer, with just your phone, the Nimses app and a few nims, you can premiere your Showcast. Others can add their own episodes to your Showcast as simply as you can add to others, with just a few nims. After 2 days, your Showcast will go inactive. Don’t worry though, everyone can still watch it. Once your Showcast is over, it’s time to reap the benefits. As creator of the Showcast, you are entitled to your share of the pot. A third of the nims collected by your showcast will go directly to your account balance. A third is divided among all those who added their own episodes, and took part in telling the story. A third goes to the Nimses Treasury to upkeep the economic system. This is community building, and collaborative storytelling at it’s finest.

Showcast takes commenting further: now people “comment” stories by adding their own stories.

Your Showcast, like everything on Nimses, is location-based. That means that your storytelling tribe, along with new friends are closer than you think. Reach out, share with them, the world, and build your community by growing your Showcast. While new features will be added soon, start your Showcast now. You don’t need to have the full story to start the show, just add your own Episode. The show will go on.

