The Temple: Nimses divides, you rule

Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2019

Looking at our phone screens we can see; traffic jams, follow public transport schedules, travel, book accommodations, order food, call a taxi, find new places, events and even each other. Despite conspiracy theories, paranoia, and the delusion of being watched, geodata has significantly simplified our lives.

Each person performs dozens of essential actions everyday using their geodata.

A phone has no borders, customs or passport control. So people become citizens of the world without a special passport. Going online turns our planet into one big city. Nimses simply divides this city into Temples.

What is a Temple?

First of all, a Temple is a space. Geographically fixed and bound by coordinates. One can be here on a real-time basis and on a virtual basis at the same time. One can communicate, see, speak, meet, move. All the inhabitants of our planet live in Temples. These are districts within the global city we know as “Earth”.

Temples are filled with content. The process is endless.

To look at the world through Temples means to see people, content and more.

By opening the Nimses app, one sees the Temple where they are located. The Temple shows all the living people nearby: all their posts and statuses are shown right in front of you — on the same screen. Naturally, one is incentivized to post as well; all of the posted content — photos, videos, texts — can be rewarded with nims. These nims can be used for further interactions or on inner Nimses platforms. The more nims, meaning the more attention a person receives, the more noticeable a person’s content is within the Temple.

A Temple is a stage. The star of the show gets the most nims.

Like on the stage, there are different actors who carry different statuses. At the moment there are three of them: the Citizen, the Master and the Angel.


If Earth is a city, then what do you call the people who live there? They are Citizens. Citizens make a daily contribution to the Temple Bank. Fines and fees for publishing content are also sent there. For example; you may pay 50 nims to post a selfie you take there and then, or 100 nims if you upload one from your photo gallery. This amount goes to the Temple Bank where the post was made. The quality and quantity of good content uploaded in a certain Temple will determine how ‘happening’ or ‘desirable’ the area will be. This means there will be Temples with huge Banks. Who will claim the nims held in these Banks?


Anyone can become the owner of a Temple Bank. This will make them very rich, of course. They will receive Master status. In other words, this person will become the owner of time in a particular Temple space. As long as the Temple Bank is a repository of nims, and nims are time, the Master owns a significant part of the peoples’ time in a particular Temple.

In order to become a Master, a person must possess at least one dominim. A dominim equals 683,748 nims, or 1 year of human life + 30%. The owner of a dominim can use it to take the Temple, and by doing so, receive ownership of the Temple Bank.


In Nimses the first to be recognized is the first to gain popularity. An Angel is a person nominated by other people. They must be nominated by at least 1,000 people, characterizing them as an important influencer. The number of nominations depends on the number of users. The more participants the Nimses ecosystems has, the more nominations there are needed to achieve Angel status. If an Angel loses those nominations, the Angel loses their status. In Nimses, Angels don’t fall from heaven, they rise up from earth with wings shaped by the appreciation of others.

Geography + Information = Temples

Unfortunately we look phone screens more often than we look around us. A Temple allows you to see everything that surrounds you through the window of your phone screen and fully interact with what we see. Nimses opens a new level of access to the city for everyone who has achieved Human status.

“There are no boundaries anymore,” says Nimses, “welcome to the new anthroposystem.”

