“I Am That Is!”: Farewell to Brian Jacques, Who Wielded Words So Well

Nina Sankovitch
Nina Sankovitch
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2011

Brian Jacques, creator of the mighty mouse warrior Martin — “I am that is! My sword shall wield for me!” — and the hugely popular and populous kingdom of Redwall Abbey, died on February 5, 2011, at the age of 71. A master storyteller with a marvelous voice, giant imagination, open heart, and unflagging energy, Jacques wrote over twenty books in the Redwall series as well as books in other series and collections of short stories. Although his most famous characters were animals of the woods, Jacques’ lessons of generosity, compassion, and stalwartness were meant for all of humanity, of all ages and places. Brian Jacques will be missed, and he will be remembered, by generations of readers.

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