Prominent anti-Islam conspiracy theorist to speak at Jersey event

Speaker Avi Lipkin is to be hosted by Jersey Friends of Israel, a right-wing organisation that has received support from local politicians

Lee Carpenter
Nine by Five Media
5 min readApr 24, 2018


O n Sunday 29th April a man named Avi Lipkin will be delivering a talk at the St. Brelade’s Bay Hotel. A quick Google search reveals him to be quite an interesting chap. If of course by interesting you mean dangerous and by chap you mean delusional bigot. Lipkin is a former Israeli military officer and politician — think Netanyahu with less nous or charm and you’re halfway there — whose Wikipedia page describes him as ‘an anti-Islam activist’, which as it turns out is putting it rather mildly.

It turns out Avi does not like Muslims. At all. Lipkin has claimed that “all” churches in America have been infiltrated by devious Muslim spies. These sneaky moles pretend to have found Christ but secretly siphon out intelligence to their equally devious Muslim friends who will then try to kill all Jews and Christians when jihad is declared upon the U.S. Quite how he knows this to be true isn’t clear but who needs facts when you’ve a discriminatory agenda to advance.

In 2011 he declared “Islam is not a religion: it is a criminal psychosis. It will destroy the modern age; it must be banned. The God of Allah is Satan” A whopping 70 people heard him deliver this prejudicial deluge of duplicitous nonsense in a community centre in Washington State and on Sunday we too can even enjoy some delicious afternoon tea to wash down Lipkin’s toxic hate-fueled diatribe.

The publicly advertised event by Jersey Friends of Israel

Perhaps at this point it’s not entirely surprising to learn that Avi is quite the fan of conspiracy theories too. During Obamas two terms in office laughably absurd tales surrounding his ancestry were ten-a-penny, but even with such a rich field of paranoid ramblings to choose from Lipkins colourful imaginations are up there with some of the best.

“Obama was made a Muslim man in Indonesia by age 11.” He said. Quite the scoop. Lipkin’s source? His wife, who he claims to be an Israel intelligence officer: “My wife picked up other broadcasts, for example the Saudis were saying, ‘we will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008.’” Avi’s delirious revelations didn’t stop there, for the Saudi’s had provided their puppet President with a few errands to run whilst in office. “The Saudis also said Obama has three tasks: task number one is to destroy the Shiite threat in Iran, task two is to destroy the Jewish threat Israel, task number three is to destroy the great Christian Satan America and turn America into a Muslim country.’”

If this doesn’t sound crazy enough for you yet it gets better.

Obama’s plan to destroy America involved settling “100 million Muslims” in the country on lands confiscated using ‘Agenda 21’, a set of guidelines for environmental action constructed by the UN which conspiracy theorists believe to actually be a blueprint for implementing the New World Order. Tin foil hats at the ready.

Lipkin believed that Obama had built up the US national debt in such a way that a bail-out by the Saudi’s would be in order, who would grant it on the condition that “America will surrender its Christianity” with the full implementation of Sharia Law. Of course it goes without saying that to see such an ambitious plan through to conclusion Obama would have needed the full support of those crafty agitators, the shadow government. “I think what we’ve been seeing over the last few decades is that America has been having its leaders chosen, Democrat or Republican, by the one world government, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, whatever you want to call these people, their defining characteristic is that they hate Jesus Christ, these are people who control the world.” In Lipkin’s eyes Obama wasn’t only a Muslim, he was either a Communist plant, a Russian plant, or an Islamist plant. I’m not entirely sure he ever decided which. Perhaps someone can ask him on Sunday.

Apparently, and perhaps strangely even for Lipkin, God was in on this clandestine plan too, for according to Lipkin it was God who sent the Muslim immigrants to America to be “hunters” of Jews and Christians, forcing them to leave the US for Israel.

The St. Brelade’s Bay Hotel will be hosting this delightful fellow at the invitation of Jersey Friends of Israel, a group set up in late 2016. Chief Minister Ian Gorst and Senator Sarah Ferguson attended the launch. Jersey Friends of Israel state that they aim to promote trade, tourism, culture and friendship between the island of Jersey and the State of Israel, although anyone familiar with their Twitter or Facebook feeds will know they are little more than a propaganda arm for the Israeli embassy.

To be fair to them promoting friendship is always a worthwhile aim, it’s just a shame their hand of friendship doesn’t appear to extend to the predominantly Muslim Palestinian people, whose land has been under illegal Israeli occupation for over 50 years years and who JerseyFOI delight in demonizing at any opportunity. “Shame on you UN” was the response on their Twitter feed as they turned their ire on the United Nations for daring to call for an investigation into the Israeli military shooting dead 39 unarmed peaceful protesters in the besieged refugee camp of Gaza — some of whom were children — and wounding at least 4000 more. On the morning before the first protest had even begun a farmer tending his land was blown to smithereens by an Israeli tank shell.

Not an issue for JerseyFOI though. Such is their blinkered and binary worldview that anyone daring to protest the dire squalid conditions forced upon them by a decade of Israeli government blockade should be treated as ‘rioting terrorists’ and must be dealt with accordingly. Even the farmers. Even the children.

Back to their esteemed guest and quite what Jersey’s Muslim community of around 600 people make of such a prominent Islamophobe being invited to the island by an organisation supported by the Island’s Chief Minister is anyone’s guess. But for one thing there can be no doubt, by allowing this man to openly spread his vile paranoid hatred in our island Jersey Friends of Israel are giving Islamophobia, bigotry and wild racist conspiracy theories their full wholehearted approval.

