😈 Monster Collection V2 Update💰
Monster Collection had gone through a total change with better rewards. You will be able to stake as small as 50 NCGs. Each staking level requires a 10 times larger NCG than the previous level. This means that staking level 1 starts with 50 NCG then 500 NCGs, 5,000 NCGs, and on.
Let's get into more details! 🧑🏫
[ What’s Same and What’s Not ]
Same as before
- You can maintain the amount you staked on V1.
- The term for the weekly reward (50,400 Blocks) stays the same.
- The amount staked cannot be lowered within 4 weeks (201,600 blocks)
- You can raise the staked amount within 4 weeks. However, the countdown for reward claiming and lowering the staked amount will reset
- You must claim the reward before raising or lowering the staked amount.
What’s new
- You can choose the amount you stake (Minimum Requirement: 50 NCG)
- Staking bonus at each level is at least 2 times better
[ So, What am I getting out of this? ]
As mentioned, a renewed version of Monster Collection will provide more benefits. The reward for each level is at least 2 times better than the original version. A larger staking amount will yield larger rewards. Especially, the weekly reward(AP Potion & Hourglass) will be determined and calculated separately according to the amount you staked. Let’s take a look at the chart below.
Here is an example of how this system works.
Let’s say you have staked 2,300 NCGs. If the amount of NCG is between two levels, your current level will be the lower of the two levels. In other words, if you have staked 2,300 NCGs, your staking level will be level 2 (between 500 and 5,000 NCGs). Also, you will be receiving 287 Hourglasses and 4 AP Potions. So how to get those numbers? Here’s how.
Moreover, each level will provide you with different benefits for the gameplay, such as a crystal grinding bonus, and arena reward bonus (Seasons & Championship).
*Please refer to the below table (last updated : June 28th)
[ Migration to V2: What to do? and When to do? ]
Monster Collection V2 is only available on the V2 launcher. Once you open up your Monster Collection from the launcher (V2), You will be asked if you would like to migrate to a renewed version of the Monster Collection. Follow the instructions, and you are all set. You will have to migrate from V1 to V2, in order to claim new rewards.
- From this point on, V1, the original Monster Collection, will be only accessible from the V1 launcher.
- After the update (v100220), for about 2 weeks (until block 4,390,272), you will be able to start or change the amount of V1 of the Monster Collection.
- After the update (c100220), for about 4 weeks (until block 4,481,909), you will be able to claim your rewards. No rewards will be provided after that.
- Once you migrate, the countdown (remaining time for the next reward) continues on V2.