Silence is Deadly

J Cornelius
Nine Labs
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2018

Last week I met the founder of a new sales and customer service platform at an event where I was mentoring. He asked if I would check out his app and give him feedback.

So I signed up for his service and received an (automated) thank you email from the founder. The app might be useful to me and my clients, so I spent some time with it. After poking around the app for a bit I replied with some questions and feedback relevant to how it might help might one of my clients in particular.


I’ve since received several more (automated) emails from him asking for feedback and urging me to sign up for the service. I responded again.


Yet I see this founder posting about “excellent customer service”, “going the extra mile”, and #hustlehard on social media several times per day.

And still… Silence.

This is endemic of too many startup founders. They drink the kool-aid of hustling and dream of closing that next round all while ignoring the very people who will help them get there. Customers.

Founders, stop trying to look the part so people will pay attention to you and focus on finding and acquiring customers.

You build a business with customers. Funding helps. But no amount of funding will help if you don’t have customers.

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Nine Labs is a product design and strategy consultancy based in Atlanta, GA. with a focus on the intersection of Design, Business, and Technology. Whether your idea is on the back of a napkin or you need to revolutionize an established product, our collaborative processes and exercises will deliver the results you need. Find out how we can help you:



J Cornelius
Nine Labs

Helping digital product & innovation teams get clarity and confidence in what they’re building. Author of LOOPS #design #ux #ui