Game Review: inFAMOUS Second Son

Parag Joshi
Published in
1 min readApr 8, 2014

Release Date: March 21, 2014
Rating: 8/10
Playtime: 4–6 hours for a campaign but, this game has two different approaches to finish the story. This gives players to enjoy same story twice doubling the gamely time.

Plot: inFAMOUS Second Son, a PlayStation 4 exclusive , brings you an action adventure game where surrounded by a society that fears them, superhumans are ruthlessly hunted down and caged by the Department of Unified Protection. Step into a locked-down Seattle as Delsin Rowe, who has recently discovered his superhuman power and is now capable of fighting back against the oppressive DUP. Enjoy your power as you choose how you will push your awesome abilities to the limit and witness the consequences of your actions as they affect the city and people around you.

Conclusion: [emoji thumbs up sign] A must play title on PlayStation platform. Sucker Punch has improved this third installment on huge margin in regards with game play, story and not to mention visual display.




Parag Joshi

A Healthcare IT professional and occasional blogger. My inspiration behind blogging comes from the idea of giving back to the online community. Keep blogging!