Hershey’s Chocolate World

Parag Joshi
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2012

Hershey’s world is one of the sweetest places on the planet. We had never seen such a theme park in all these years in US. It’s a best combination for couples where He likes trilling rides and She likes visual and tasty bliss or vice versa.

This is a big facility located in Hershey, PA. Founded in 1907 by Mr. Hershey for recreation of families of factory workers. Over the years the park was announced as a public recreational facility allowing everyone to enjoy it’s rides and chocolate experience. Today this park has 12 thrilling roller coaster and over 65 other rides and attraction including 20 kids rides. This is also a water park in summer season, park has 9 water attractions in The Boardwalk. The entrance to Hershey’s World and informational ride is free with free sample chocolates but there is nominal fee of $12–15 for Hershey’s Park. This fee includes all the rides inside park.

As you enter the main gates a small recreated country town with 1600s feel will welcome you . Town has merchant and food shops for visitors who will start their long day inside the park. No great products but I’m sure you will be dragged in to buy at least a few things.

Located about 120miles west of from New York City this is a very good location for on day out with friends, family or your spouse.

Location Details:
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=hershey's+park&fb=1&gl=us&hq=hershey's+park&cid=0,0,11461405127196257636&t=m&ll=40.290525,-76.654272&spn=0.00982,0.017123&z=15&output=embed&w=550&h=200]

Some pictures from Hershey’s World:
[gallery type=”rectangular” ids=”321,320,319,315,314,313"]




Parag Joshi

A Healthcare IT professional and occasional blogger. My inspiration behind blogging comes from the idea of giving back to the online community. Keep blogging!