Introducing Ninja Squad NFT Token: $NST

Ninja Squad
Ninja Squad
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2022


Well well well… The ninjas we are, we acted fast and executed on the first major step of our roadmap. It’s only the first day of 2022 and our utility token is LIVE, fully functional and taking a life of its own already!

$NST launched on January 1, 2022 and will seriously level up your experience being a part of the Ninja Squad. It is not an investment and has NO monetary value. $NST is the utility token of the ninja ecosystem.

As of January 1, 2022, every Ninja Squad NFT will yield 1 $NST token/day via staking to unlock community rewards, shop merch, courses and our P2E game coming up later in 2022. Plus, some surprises which we’ll save for later in the year.

Read on to learn more about $NST.


We have so much planned for the utility of $NST and the options will only expand and get more creative from now on. Primarily, $NST will unlock access to custom trading tools and features we are developing, educational content on crypto and NFTs, NFD (our fashion brand) discounts, and collab discounts.

What’s more is that we’ll be building an off-chain mechanism where our holders will be able to use their tokens in return for utility, without having to pay for gas!!! Nothing like you’ve seen before, we can say that.

Update on UTILITY on March 6, 2022

As of March 6, we are proud to share that we’ve already created two key utilities for our $NST token and have seen a significant valuation of our token since the launch just two months ago. 1 $NST at the time of writing this update is the equivalent of $2.22 USD, and it started from $0.5 USD back in early January.

First big utility we launched is our Ninja Squad Trader Hub, our first subscription product that can be purchased using $NST only. For a monthly subscription of 15 $NST, our members can get access to this service within our Discord, utilizing the $NST their NFTs yield daily.

This is a big milestone because it is the first time a utility token is being utilized in a subscription model without having to pay for gas fees! Ninja Squad Trader Hub consists of 4 amazing tools which are curated by experienced traders, to serve traders, as well as a Ninja-Library which is under progress. Ultimately, our goal is to build the set of tools to level up your trading skills, save time and stay on top of key updates.

Second key utility was launched on February 27, a fun, experimental meme collection ninja mfers, inspired by the notorious mfers by Sartoshi. Ninja mfers was exclusively minted using $NST (100 $NST + gas) and was sold out within 24 hours. Read more about ninja mfers here.


8,888 Ninja NFTs will yield 1 $NST/day via staking in the first year of release, and 0.5 $NST/day in the second year. (Suppose you own 20 NFTs, you will get 20 tokens a day in 2022!) $NST will be distributed to the holders for two years and will have a 10 million market supply.

$NST is listed on SushiSwap.


We have also applied to be listed on CoinMarketCap! This is a small step in the grand scheme of things, but a giant leap for the Squad (hahah). For verification purposes, here is our application ticket number: 360873.


Every Ninja Squad NFT generates $NST automatically on a daily basis. As long as you hold your Ninja, and you stake your ninja, you’ll be earning $NST.

On the launch day, Ninja NFT holders have seen bonus $NST’s dropped in their account depending on the traits of the ninjas they hold and whether or not they have listed their NFTs up for sale previously. The final snapshot to track listing status was taken at 5PM EST on December 31, 2021.

Here’s the airdrop details for different ninja traits & listing status at time of snapshot:


  • if you didn’t list your ninjas below 0.25 eth you get +10
  • if listed above 1 eth or didn’t list you get an additional +15 (total 25)
  • if your ninja has santa trait you get +22
  • if your ninja has WAGMI trait you get + 42
  • if your ninja has spectator trait you get +50
  • if your ninja has deep alpha trait you get +250

Daily Token Yield

  • ninjas with Deep-Alpha trait 3 $NST/day via staking
  • ninjas with spectator trait 2 $NST/day via staking
  • ninjas with WAGMI trait 2 $NST/day via staking
  • all other ninjas 1 $NST/day via staking

Ninja Squad NFT holders can now connect your wallet to our official website ( , make your way to the Ninja Base and see how many tokens you were airdropped and how much your per diem $NST yield is!


Claiming of $NST was activated on February 1st 2022.

Monthly claim limit: 200 $NST

These limit is forecasted and may be subject to change with prior announcement.


It still feels unreal that we were able to deliver on one of the biggest milestones on our roadmap on the first day of 2022. This is BIG. This year will be BIG. Ready to make it the year of Ninjas.

Thank you for the privilege of being able to develop our ecosystem for you! None of this would be possible without you! ❤



Ninja Squad
Ninja Squad

Ninjas roaming through the Ethereum blockchain & metaverse. Join us as we grow into the largest crypto & NFT community.