Property’s X Ninja Squad

Ninja Squad
Ninja Squad
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2021

We’re very excited to announce our partnership with Property’s, which is also Ninja Squad’s first official step into the Sandbox. Together, we are creating a Ninja Squad Dojo on @TheSandboxGame - a place to find your inner crypto sensei. I know, that sounds very cool.

Property’s is a real estate collecting game in the NFT & metaverse space and aims to deliver an experience we haven’t seen before on & off the metaverse.

What does this partnership mean?

As you may already know, the metaverse is an incredible use case for non fungible tokens. Since we are dedicated and determined to provide Ninjas with the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve in the NFT space, we’ve partnered with Property’s NFT in order to build and develop a community house for Ninjas in the Sandbox!

Our hope for the community house is to create an environment where Ninjas are not only able to meet and interact with other Ninjas but also individuals from all around the globe!

Even more exciting (if that’s even possible) news is that together with the Property’s team, we’ll implement a P2E system within this digital playground. The details of these developments will become clearer as we move forward.

The long-term vision of the Property’s team and Ninja Squad are very much complementary, and we believe that this partnership is going to enhance our ability to provide education on the ground breaking technology that is NFTs and the metaverse while also strengthening the ties between our community as well as others.

In the meantime, check out Property’s channels to learn more about what they do and get involved:




Ninja Squad
Ninja Squad

Ninjas roaming through the Ethereum blockchain & metaverse. Join us as we grow into the largest crypto & NFT community.