Becoming A Professional Writer

My one-year plan to make my dream a reality.

Suzanne Stormon
The Ninja Writers Pub
3 min readJul 17, 2020


Have you ever had a dream that you’ve struggled to make a reality? My dream is to travel. I want to buy a small camper-van or RV and travel around the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. I’m 71 years old and tired of staying at home.

I’m starting a new writing business now, so I’ll be ready when the danger of COVID-19 lessens. I know it’s going to require a lot of hard work and a dynamite plan. Shaunta Grimes and the Ninja Writer community have given me the tools to make this happen.

The plan is ambitious for me, but I believe I can do it.

I’ve always loved writing, but I’ve never counted on it to make a living.

I was sort of a hobby writer. I love writing personal essays, memoir, and short fiction. I’ve started blogs. I want to finish a novel.

But now I want my writing to pay off, so I need to expand my repertoire. Now, I need to become a professional writer.

To achieve my dream, I need to set goals.

The plan, worked out with Shaunta Grimes’ help, had me set goals, actions, and deadlines for the next ninety days. Here they are:

First 30 Days: Make $50.00

· Start a Nevada Narrative publication on Medium.
· Send out one query letter to a freelance market every day.
· Come to the Monday blogging coworking calls with questions or a post to workshop.

First 60 Days: Make $100.00

· Take Ashley Shannon’s Curation Clinic and do the work.
· Get one paying freelance job.
· Write 2 times a week on Medium, with a 75 percent curation rate.

First 90 Days: Make $200.00 a month, every month as a writer.

· Write 3 times a week on Medium.
· Get two paying freelance jobs per month.
· Have an email list of 100 people.

One Year Goal: Make enough to buy the camper-van and start traveling. The specifics of this are fluid at this point. I’ll update goals and deadlines as I meet them.

Follow the Plan.

Some of the above actions are specific to the Ninja Writer’s Club or Academy but you can find articles on curation and Medium in other places as well. I find that having a community where I can bring my questions and writing-related problems is immensely helpful.

Come on This Journey With Me.

My promise is that I’ll be @SuzanneStormon every Friday, showing you exactly what I’ve done to meet my goals, the problems I’ve faced, and how to attack them.

What journey are you taking? What dream are you chasing? What is your plan? Follow my story and write your own. Let us know what you’re doing. Leave a comment, follow me, and start solidifying your own plan.

See you next Friday!

Suzanne Stormon is a blogger, writer, and independent sociologist. Read and follow many of her stories here. Suzanne is also the founder of and writes for the Nevada Notes and Narratives publication on Medium.

