How To Create An Easy Blog Calendar and Stick To It

Stuck on what to write about? Too many or not enough topics? Read on!

Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub


You want to blog regularly. You need to. Yet, you can’t get it together.

Why? Oh, several reasons:

  • I have so many topics running around in my mind. I can’t settle on one.
  • I can’t find the time.
  • I’m completely blocked. I’ve already written about everything.

I started blogging in 2008, so I’ve experienced all of the above. I coach clients as well on this and I hear these statements a lot. We are all busy, so the best way to handle all of the above is to get yourself organized. How? It’s a simple approach to what is honestly a simple problem: have a system.

Let’s discuss a few options.


One of the biggest mistakes I see writers and bloggers make is not identifying their author branding, which is the very foundation of everything they will do on their social media and in blogging.

They just want to talk about and sell sell sell their book. We all know these authors. We all avoid these authors. Maybe you’re one of them. Let’s change that.



Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer