How To Grow Your Writing Business Every Day

You write so people will read your work, yet how to reach readers? Let’s discuss.

Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub


One of the first questions I ask clients is: What is your goal? Most answer as any working writer would: sell a ton of books. As a working writer myself (six books out so far, two more coming this year), I want that, too!

If you’re reading this as a blogger hoping to get a ton of eyes on your work, then the answer is the same: gain a ton of readers.

Yet, here’s the tricky part: how do we get there?

1.68 million books were released in 2018 (that’s 4,602 per day) and this does not include self-pub’d books on Amazon without an ISBN (Amazon assigns an in-house ASIN which an author can choose instead of the more costly ISBN). Source: Publishers Weekly.

We can drive ourselves mad figuring out what the easy button is, or we can put in the hard work to make it happen. Here is my advice to help you along. Keep in mind these two bits:

  1. Making money on your books is the side hustle, at first. It IS possible, yet I don’t suggest making it your only goal…



Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer