How To Write, Market, And Be Mentally Healthy

Feel like it’s impossible, writer friends? I’m here to tell you, you can do it.

Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub


Photo by Hannah Wei on Unsplash

Part of living in the now, right now, is being on all the time. Constant notifications about news, meetings, phone calls, texts, emails, gaming (if you’re into that), and of course, social media. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Watching my 21-year-old daughter checking her Apple Watch gives me hives, yet she loves it.

Maybe it’s a generational thing. For her, it’s a timesaving measure. For me, it sends my anxiety through the roof. Maybe you feel the same.

As a writer, marketer, business owner, mom, and human with anxiety and PTSD, I’ve had to navigate ways to manage online marketing work, writing, and self-care, and that’s what I’m going to share with you all today.

Time Management Tools

I’ve been using a social media management tool for over ten years. In fact, I use several, because I’ve yet to find one that handles everything I personally want, however, Hootsuite is my favorite (I receive no affiliate money for saying that). I also use Buffer and Promo Republic.

By using a scheduler, which also has a dashboard that allows me to interact live, I save an enormous amount of time. It’s the…



Rachel Thompson
The Ninja Writers Pub

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer