I Was Woken Up by the Police in the Middle of the Night

Here’s what should’ve happened to Breonna Taylor.

Adrienne Grimes
The Ninja Writers Pub


A loud pounding on my front door woke me up at 3:30 am.

I jumped awake with all the grace of a fish out of water.

A bright light shining through my window followed by another round of loud banging and my dog barking clued me into the fact that someone was at my door. I checked out the window before I answered. A police officer stood in full uniform. No mask to be seen (but that’s beside the point).

The moment between walking from my window with the direct view of the front porch and my front door was filled with enough anxiety to keep me up for a good three hours following this incident.

Had something happened to my family?

Did I do something wrong?

Despite the loud banging, the police officer was nice, respectful, and apologetic toward the fact that he had clearly just woken me up. He asked if someone named Daniel lived at my address and then was on his way when I responded no.

He walked away, continuing on his search. An anticlimatic end to a rude awakening.

I went back to bed, fought sleep, and struggled to register what had just happened.



Adrienne Grimes
The Ninja Writers Pub

A writer and a reader of all the things. Follow her on Instagram @bookaweekproject and catch her social media and branding classes in the Ninja Writers Guild.