Not All Remote Work Jobs Are the Same

Here’s what you need to know before you ditch the office.

Meg Stewart
The Ninja Writers Pub


Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash

When I first thought about working from home, it was when my oldest two children were little. This was the early 1990s and there weren’t a lot of choices then.

Most people worked in the office of their employer or, in the case of salesmen, from their car while traveling through their region.

Sure, there were C-suite executives, like the CEO, Vice President, or Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who got to “work from home” as a perk of being top-level management. Occasionally, other salaried management such as a Department Director or Manager could work from home, but it wasn’t an option open to hourly employees.

For the majority of people back then, work from home was something you did on the side, after the kids were in bed or while they were in school.

The goal of working from home for most people was to earn extra money to supplement the income from your day job so you could make ends meet.

Many housewives were getting into franchised opportunities with Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, or Thirty-One products, etc. Other work-from-home jobs involved getting paid by a company to stuff envelopes, make widgets, or some other mundane, repetitive task.



Meg Stewart
The Ninja Writers Pub

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