Stolen Innocence

We must all be ever vigilant.

Meg Stewart
The Ninja Writers Pub
5 min readJul 9, 2020


Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Already late, I pulled into the drugstore parking lot, jammed the car into park and jumped out. God, I hated being late all the time. Nick’s parents would be mortified when I arrived late again for Sunday dinner, and he was going to kill me. I entered the drugstore at a half trot and ran smack into someone just coming out.

“Seems we’re both in too much of a hurry….” I bent and picked up the rectangular box of condoms that had dropped to the ground. “Wow, the mega pack, you must have a hot da…..Lauren?” I felt my heart sink to my toes as I recognized the face of my neighbor’s 12-year-old daughter.

Lauren’s face turned 3 shades of red, she was obviously embarrassed. “I am yes, so sorry I wasn’t watching.” Lauren grabbed for the box in my hand, but I held it away from her. “Really, they’re not mine, it was a dare. God, I’m so embarrassed. Mrs. Lesee, please don’t tell my mom.”

“Oh, I’m not going to tell her.” Lauren’s eyes glimmered with hope for a moment. “You’re going to tell her yourself, but first we’re going to have a talk.”

“But….” I raised my eyebrow and Lauren closed her mouth, obviously resigned to whatever was coming. She followed behind me slowly as I walked back to my car. Nick was not going to believe this one. He was always teasing me about parenting…



Meg Stewart
The Ninja Writers Pub

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