This Quitting Habit Won’t Sabotage My Writing Life

No longer shall I be queen of unfinished things.

Julie Ranson
The Ninja Writers Pub
4 min readSep 12, 2020


Standing in front of a wall of yarn at Michael’s, I had an epiphany. Well, not really an epiphany-epiphany, but a slap upside the head that I had no business buying another skein of yarn to disappear into my already large stash. I’ve no idea what most of that yarn is for, but I sure do like to start new projects. It’s exciting!

So, I searched the internet for the possible reasons I am an “unfinisher.” You know what that is, right?

You probably do because I found countless articles written about why people drop projects like hot potatoes. I now know that I am not the only “queen of unfinished projects.” I’m one of millions! I learned, too, how to overcome this very common problem and find the power inside me to finish the stuff I start.

When I get on a roll with something, it’s really hard for me to put it down unfinished. — Taylor Swift

Hush up, Taylor.

As I retire from a career in higher education, I feel my goals shifting and that means the projects I am taking on are changing in focus as well.



Julie Ranson
The Ninja Writers Pub

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: