Why You Should Weigh and Not Measure When You Bake

Tip the scales in your favor.

Patricia Davis
The Ninja Writers Pub


Many people love to bake great recipes, but the one thing I struggled with as a baker was consistency in how my recipes turned out. Sometimes my rolls would turn out dry and dense. Sometimes my cookies would be doughy and more like cake.

Then I learned that weighing my ingredients is the best way to ensure they turn out the same every time. If you don’t, you may add too much of one ingredient and not enough of another. Also, different measuring cups often differ in volume, adding to inconsistency.

As a beginning or even an everyday cook like me, you may think Aww, weighing things is way too complicated. I guarantee you, it will simplify your cooking. I know it has mine.

Photo by author

What kind of scale do I need?

The scale you purchase does not need to be large, fancy or expensive. It should be able to measure in grams or ounces and have a tare function, which means that you can put a container on it, press the tare function and it will zero out the scale so that you don’t have to do the math.



Patricia Davis
The Ninja Writers Pub

Pat blogs about food, sustainability, and living simply. Sourdough is a particular passion. She also writes historical fiction with social justice themes.