Tricks to Editing Your Own Work

When your brain makes you blind to your errors.

Juneta Key
The Ninja Writers Pub


I naturally think in concepts. I take in the meanings, the ideas, the principles, recognize the patterns, and see the bigger possibilities.

It is why I have a knack for worldbuilding and series creation. Conceptual thinking lends itself to the long term and the future, seeing past the here and now.

The kicker is, details matter when it comes to editing and implementing your ideas. In taking note of the details, you lay a solid foundation for clarity in writing.

Seeing the details is also what makes a great editor. It is a skill you can learn, but if you are a concept thinker like me, the journey is bumpier.

Listen to your words.

The brain is complicated in the way it works. Some of my biggest struggles come from not catching a word that I left out of a sentence. Why?

The brain knows what should be there and sees it, despite the fact it is not correct. That has to do with the way the left and right sides of the brain take in information.

One way to combat the problem is to listen to your work spoken out loud. Do this after you are done writing and have put your piece through editing software such as Grammarly or…



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