We Need to Talk About the Cultural Gap

A very important conversation to help mend the bridge between generations.

Adrienne Grimes
The Ninja Writers Pub


This video came across my Instagram feed and it got me thinking.

What is really causing the cultural gap between Gen Z/Millenials and Gen X/Boomers?

Is the answer to that question simply the number of years passed between births? Or, is it a cumulation of a system that ignores less and less with each passing generation?

I think it’s a mixture of both. A perfect storm that just keeps brewing.

Exposing the Ulterior Motives of the School System

Boomers are made up of individuals who were born between the years of 1946 and 1964. Can you imagine going to school at that time?

Based on the fight that was happening during that time period to simply allow Black people the bare basics of required education, I can imagine that there was an enlarged amount of blissful ignorance that went on amongst those attending school…



Adrienne Grimes
The Ninja Writers Pub

A writer and a reader of all the things. Follow her on Instagram @bookaweekproject and catch her social media and branding classes in the Ninja Writers Guild.