World Build While You Write

If you love to world build, make it a productive past time that aids your writing rather than delaying it.

Juneta Key
The Ninja Writers Pub


Creating worlds sounds like a herculean task. It can certainly be daunting and overwhelming to the new and aspiring writer.

It can also be an addiction that becomes procrastination to not get your writing done, if you're like me. I love building worlds and can spend hours doing it, but if it does not relate to your immediate story then it is an excuse not to write. Muses are tricky like that.

Worldbuilding does not count as writing nor does revising, just saying.

If you already have a story idea, then only build the parts of the world that you need to enhance your story, create points of conflict by building character, or reveal something about your character through their world. Yes, world creation can do all of that and more, unfolding your story like the flowers in the spring.

What is the definition of story?

Definitions from Oxford Languages / Screenshot by author

You will note the definition says “an account of imaginary or real people and events,” so when…

