How to keep momentum during Covid-19 quarantine

Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2020

As we tread murky waters about what happens next during the pandemic of Covid-19, many of us have started to stall. I started to get phone calls from friends and family telling me that they’re eating more and moving less.

This is true for me too. On a regular month, I would have two gym memberships. One to lift weights and the other for the fight gym. So what have I done to replace my workout routines, knowing that this may go on for longer?

Wake up before the world. Be a champ.

1 . Compete with the sun

Huh? Yeah, this is the thing with sportspeople. We’re usually very competitive. We’re also usually very hard on ourselves. I swear by waking up at 4-something-A.M. I use the morning for breathing, for gratitude, for prayer and meditation. There’s something undeniably amazing about the hours before sunrise.

2. Log your thoughts

It’s stressful to be home all day. I have a five-year diary where I literally write my general thoughts down. I always find it useful to check-in with myself. Try to ask yourself: How am I right now? What state am I in? (Then readjust yourself). Do I have any regrets I need to resolve? Who do I need to seek forgiveness from? Can I forgive someone and let go of some built-up resentment? And here is my favorite: What am I grateful for today?

3. Plan your day

Get organized. Personally, I find organizing even more important during this quarantine time. I make three main goals for the day, then I break them down to micro-goals. We tend to think that by staying home, we have more time. But in reality, it’s so easy to get distracted. Make sure you set realistic goals so you can go to bed feeling accomplished.

4. Exercise and eat healthy

Get them good feelings flowing!

I remember the first two weeks of my quarantine. It was dreadful finding out I had to be on my own in my room. I live on my own in London, and so what was already screaming lonely every day when I came back from work and gym, I knew this meant lonely on steroids. It wasn’t easy for me to only be with my family and friends on screen. I started to run in the park with a safe distance and working out from home. I also started to make it more of a priority to eat balanced and look into supplements to boost immune health.

5. Stay connected spiritually

Nothing feels more pointless to me than when I spend the day at home and somehow decide to not use some of my time to develop myself with some introspection. I pray and connect with God and pray for my loved ones and the world. I think during this time, it’s so so so important to send all your prayers out for the world’s healing, physically, mentally and spiritually. I’ll quote my mom on this and I know she won’t mind: “Never underestimate your prayers.”

