World Food Day 2019: 7 easy steps to ensure you eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy life

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4 min readOct 11, 2019

World Food Day is celebrated every year on October 16th across the world. The day is celebrated by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and is aimed at spreading awareness about hunger and eradicating it, achieve food security and also to encourage action to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all.

The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation believes that everyone has an important part to play right from farmers, agri businesses, government, institutions, Private businesses, traders, teachers and individuals. The global goal for World Food Day is #ZeroHunger and through World Food Day and other activities, the FAO wants to achieve it by 2030.

It is the need of the hour where we all need to take action and start promoting sustainable living, reduce our carbon footprint, teach our children the importance of healthy foods vs junk foods, choosing the right foods, knowing our fats, importance of organic farming and to reflect on the environmental impact of the foods we eat, for example some foods require more natural resources such as water to produce them. It is pretty evident the choices we make today are vital to secure quality and safe food for tomorrow.

Here are a few tips on how to start changing your eating habits, not just for you but for your family, friends and loved ones to have a fit and active lifestyle!

  1. Veggies please! — It is very important to fill one third of your plate with vegetables or eat an all veggie meal once a week!
Photo credits: Mr Vitamins

2. Hunger Craving? Eat healthy and say no to Junk food — Wherever you feel like snacking try avoiding packaged foods and try choosing a ripe fruit, nuts or whole grain bread instead. Choose that one junk food that you would want to eat less or less often and make a plan. Also, it is very important to eat smaller meals for both physical and financial benefits.

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3. White rice to Brown rice Many of us can’t survive without rice, however white rice is mostly a source of empty calories and carbs with very few essential nutrients. Brown rice is higher in nutrients and has more fiber and proteins than white rice.

Photo credits: Stylecraze

4. Shop smart and don’t let packaging fool you — Buy only what you need, please avoid buying things that will stay in the kitchen cabinets for weeks and weeks on. Don’t let the packaging fool you, you need to pay attention to the nutritious value of food, and not by how cool the packaging is.

Photo credits: UCLA Newsroom

5. Saturated Vs Unsaturated Fats — Saturated fats have lesser nutritious value than Unsaturated fats. This means it’s wiser to purchase unsaturated fats over saturated fats. Food sources rich in saturated fat include cheese, butter, ice cream, high fat cuts of meat, coconut oil. Dietary sources for unsaturated fats include avocados or avocado oil, olives and olive oil, peanut butter, nuts and seeds such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, and sesame seeds.

Photo credits: Wellness 101

6. Eat smaller portions — Small, frequent meals are the best approach to eating and weight loss because they keep metabolism burning and appetite under control. Plan your meals 5–6 times a day.

Photo credits: Best Food Facts

7. Finally, Exercise! — Did you know that there are more obese people on the planet than there are hungry people? It is very important to exercise and keep fit. Try spending at least 20 mins of your time every day and exercise whether you’re at home, work and even when you’re travelling. 20 mins in a day is all you have to give and it can change everything!

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