How to Generate Awesome Angular Admin (CRUD) Apps with NinjaCodeGen, beta!

Chau Nguyen
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2017

Hey fellow coders!

Are you guys/gals getting ready for the AngularAttack hackathon (Apr 22–23, 2017)?! We try to make it really easy to generate powerful Angular apps (in other words: kick ass kick-starting kick-ass apps and SaaS’s).

Navigate to (also currently linked from

  1. Choose your schema. You can just leave it using the default sample schema for this tutorial. (Later, you can try to import a schema or edit the definitions JSON text and click “Apply Schema”.)
1 schema

2. Next, choose your settings. For this tutorial, we’ll keep the default webpack and bootstrap app and default app name. (You can choose the template set which controls the type of application that is generated. And you can also change the app name, which controls the name of the zip/folder created.)

2 settings

3. Lastly, for source code, make sure “include base and core” is checked if you want the code to include the base and core files needed to run the app and not just the generated code. Then click “Kick Ass”! This will give you a zip of the entire working Angular app!

3 source

4. From here, you need to unzip the files, then run the typical “npm install” and “npm start” or “ng serve”. (you will need node.js (npm) and may need @angular/cli installed)

You should be able to view the app at http://localhost:3002.

we use the terminal inside Visual Studio Code

To see what the app should look like, try

Material Design version

These apps have filtering, paging, sorting, and input validation, as well as an in-memory database and e2e automated UI testing code. Ideally you will want to customize them further for your needs, but this will give you or your company a huge head-start.

We are currently watching Angular CLI by John Papa on Pluralsight to help try to add a Kendo UI template-set for Angular Attack. So stay tuned for more!

BTW, ever since we upgraded to Angular 4 from Angular 2 during ng-conf, everything now seems blazing fast in comparison!

#MCFA Make Coding Fun Again!

Let’s go play with some code!



Chau Nguyen

Founder of NinjaCodeGen (CRUD code generator) | .NET Architects | CTO of Creative Engineering | iloveuGIFTS | MakeWorkFun! | human, coder, son, brother, husband