For your next iOS App: Hire a Ninja, not a Mixed Martial Artist.

Better go with someone that knows the Dark and polished aluminium Arts of iOS

AJ Marquez
Wisdom shurikens


You know what you want to build. You have pictured the colors, the transitions, the buttons, the feel, the graphics and even the icon for your desired application. Someone has refereed you some great developer that might be up to the task; this guy is great with [insert language here] and creates awesome websites or maybe an amazing android developer. You talk, get to know this guy and you think it’s perfect for the job.

Now you think, why don’t I hire him also to create my website/design/iOS App/Android App; that way you just have to deal with one person and maybe get a nice discount in the process.

Here may happen one of two :

  1. The developer tells you that he only can handle one and maybe two of the tasks.
  2. The developer tells you he can handle all that. In that case, congratulations, you have found a Mixed Martial Artist (or a Demi-god).

A tale of two warriors

This picture was taken with an ultra-fast camera to get the ninja’s image

If you are looking to build an iOS App for the first time and you are not familiar with its ecosystem, more than looking someone to get the job done, you should be looking for someone to get the right work done. To expand on this, let’s define our two main warriors.

The Mixed Martial Artist

This could be a Full Stack developer or someone with really versatile programming skills; this person has worked in the past with several languages, knows the main patterns and how to solve problems. He probably has more knowledge in a particular language and moderate knowledge on a few others.

This is the guy would be able to give you some guidance about with frameworks to implement and what technologies you should apply on you system.

In the most cases he will deliver a functional iOS app and that will work for the time being; this means that is probable that he will not be up to date with the ways of the language, the esthetics and the most desirable way to display certain information.

Outside you app will work, under the hood, the next developer might need to re-write chunks of the code and optimase it.

The Ninja

This kind of developer has worked to develop a mastery on a certain skill. He possibly had work before with other languages and build other kind of systems, but his focus is developing for Apple devices.

The Ninja might not always agree with the way you pictured your app and might suggest subtle changes based on the Apple guidelines and design and this is desired.

He will build using the latest tools at his disposal and up-to-date class methods. He will not only deliver a functional app but one with the look and feels of the system. In case of Android, he will follow iOS 8/9 design patterns.

The Showdown

When building for the first time an application, guidance is needed in order to understand the peculiarities of the ecosystem you are looking to enter. You, as founder, could learn everything by yourself but it will require a considerable amount of time that might be used on other critical areas of building a Startup.

Mastering the Apple ecosystem is not an easy task, each year a new OS version is implemented, adding new frameworks and upgrades of the old ones to improve speed, stability, memory management and adapt with the new devices.

So, it’s not likely that your Mixed Martial Artist will be up-to-date and will deliver an efficient application in looks and under-the-hood as a Ninja would. Counting with a Mixed Martial Artist is great to get a general idea of the technologies needed for the system and this is the type of guy you want as CTO or to build your system’s main backend, because he will try to build it for maximum compatibility and stability.

A Ninja is ideal to take over the mission of building your app. A good one will help you, guide you, advice you and at the end you will not only have a functional and polished app made specifically for a certain environment but you (or your CTO) had learn more about the ecosystem, the technologies chosen for the app and the advantages they will have when building future versions of the app.

How to spot a real iOS Ninja

What do you mean that’s not a real ninja? He has NINJA written all over his chest!

While his portafolio and developing skill are certainly important and one of the main aspects to look for; is also important — as you talk to him — his eagerness to help adapt your idea to the iOS look and feel, suggestions and advices regarding the AppStore guidelines. That’s why at NinjaRobot we believe our duty is not to sit and code but to discuss the best approaches based on your budget, needs and current requirements to begin the quest.

A Ninja won’t go into the mission without understanding first what must be obtained and selecting the best strategy for it.

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