Math Memes #2

Double Facepalms Abound

The Sharp Ninja
Ninja’s Take
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2024


This one is not just a math meme, but also a riddle. Let’s break it down.

Using Algebra, we start by replacing the symbol with x.

x + x + x = 45
3x = 45
x = 15

We replace variables again:

y + y + x = 23
2y + x = 23
2y = 23-x
y = (23-x)/2

We know x, so plug it in:

y = (23–15)/2
y = 4

Write it out:

y + z + z = 10
y + 2z = 10
2z = 10-y
z = (10-y)/2

We know y so fill it in:



The Sharp Ninja
Ninja’s Take

20+ years of professional software engineering has taught me a thing or three…