Due to a smallpox epidemic among the defenders of Fort Donelson, this river battery is all that stood between the Union Army and Nashville, TN — and the heart of Confederate Industry and Rail Traffic

Today’s Mess is Due to a Smallpox Outbreak in 1862.

And this is not history repeating itself.

Ninja’s Take
Published in
6 min readOct 18, 2020


There can be no doubt that the American Civil War is one of the most significant events in human history. The outcome would decide the direction of the free world and shape global politics, and warfare itself, for hundreds of years.

The abolishment of Slavery was monumental for Human Rights across the world. Just as importantly, the diminishment of State’s Rights and assertion of power by the Federal Government would forever change the economics and behavior of nearly every American since then. Many world-changing events were a direct result of the outcome of the Civil War, such as the rise of trench warfare, the importance of maneuverability on a battlefield that led to new ideas in how to project power against an enemy, and many others, including the horrors of Sherman’s March to the Sea and it’s repetition in later wars, continuing even today.

But the cruelest, and most pervasive outcome of the Civil War was the fact that American Citizens could be denied their rights on the whim of a sitting President for no other reason than the President not liking the politics of the other side. The South would be punished by a century of lies, double-talk and abusive policies designed to funnel opportunities away from the South and into the…



Ninja’s Take

20+ years of professional software engineering has taught me a thing or three…