Leonard Crane
Ninth Day Of Creation
3 min readJan 29, 2021



If you are a fan of science thrillers in the tradition of Michael Crichton, or you thoroughly enjoy the suspense of Tom Clancy’s military-themed techno thrillers then you are in the right place.

Ninth Day of Creation was written during the era of high concept fiction when both Crichton and Clancy were actively publishing and a new writer had to work very hard to attempt to compete with them.


Now published on Medium.com, Ninth Day of Creation appears in two parts.

Part I is free to read. Anyone with a browser can access the first one third of the book which runs to approximately 7 hours reading time. This is more than enough of the story to decide if you are enjoying it and wish to read more.

Part II is located behind the Medium.com paywall. This means that you must be a paid subscriber to the Medium platform to access these pages. A Medium subscription is inexpensive and can be discontinued at any time. The time required to read Part II is approximately 13 hours.

To facilitate the reading of the book on Medium I have split the work into 52 parts, or “pages”. Each page contains one or more chapters.

Some chapters are titled to convey a change in setting, other times they are not titled and instead context or familiarity with the ongoing plot or characters is relied upon to establish an understanding of change in scene.

Where a change of scene takes place and no chapter title is used, or a short lapse of time passes before the plot advances, the change is indicated by the use of 3 dots (which is the normal section demarcation in Medium).


At the top of this publication, which contains all of the pages of Ninth Day of Creation, you will see a navigation bar.

Use the navigation bar to begin the book (Part I) and to resume with the book (Part II) if you elect to subscribe at the end of Part I.

A table of contents with links to all 52 pages will allow you to resume at the page you left off if you should lose your place.

Also found in the navigation bar is a link to the official site for the book.


Ninth Day of Creation was first published as a trade paperback and was specifically designed to be enjoyed in that format. The digital books at that time (the 1990s) were more of an experimental concept and I did not give the format any consideration. Because of that there are some things to keep in mind when reading the book on Medium.com

The first thing is that to preserve the experience enjoyed by the reader of the trade paperback edition I have had to resort on occasion to making screenshots of short segments of the story in which graphical elements appear.

These diagrams are best viewed on a larger reading device, like a PC or a tablet. Of course, you can rotate the screen on a mobile device and stretch the image to see it better, but viewing is facilitated on the larger device.

Also, on occasion the display output of various devices which appear in the story benefitted from a change in font. For example, the readout from an LCD device is distinct in appearance from the readout from a computer terminal. So screenshots of these parts of the story preserve the original font faces (which are not available on the Medium platform).

Hopefully these “tweaks” made to preserve the original look of the trade paperback pages do not interfere too much with the reading experience!

Thanks for showing interest in my book. I do hope you will at least check out Part I.


Leonard Crane



Leonard Crane
Ninth Day Of Creation

Heavily science-oriented. In the past I have spent time dabbling as a: physicist, novelist, software developer, copywriter, and health-related product creator.