Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2019


Dear Future Husband,

Let’s talk about serving others …..

I am royce because I chase God.

It takes a lot to admit we’re not always nice people. It’s ugly to say that you didn’t ’t want to hold the door for a person. You didn’t want to walk over to the counter to help them at work. You didn’t want to do the extra laundry, clean up the extra mess, or take out the extra trash. Its not always easy to tell God that you don’t want to serve where you are! It takes much honesty to admit that you don’t wanna serve anybody really. But if we don’t serve one another what is our true purpose in life?

Transparent moment: I’m already the person that they don’t see why would I serve them? I’m always overlooked. I’m always un-chosen. I’m not the prettiest! I don’t have the best figure! Now I have to serve others while feeling so low?! Waaaait! Whose plan was this?! I. barely feel like anything & now I have to humble myself to others?! I’m already in my weakest position, with my children watching. Weak enough to ask The Most High “Why?!” Why have you given me the task to serve others?! Weak me! Someone who wasn’t always taught all the right things, in the right way … like how to be patient, kind, and how to love others as yourself… AND most importantly, how to love myself.

At this point I wasn’t even sure if righteousness even applied to my life.

Me , God really?! Someone so revengeful that she probably deserves revenge. Someone so traumatized that she can only cause trauma. Someone so broken , still hiding pieces. The girl that brought life to the. saying “hurt people hurt people.” Why would The Creator bestow such a humble task upon me?

Whoooooa …. Then after writing this I prayed.

Lord, why not me? To be the one who serves anyway. Despite all that I’ve. endured this far. Strengthen me Lord to be one who humbles herself, even before her enemies to please You.

I’ve been down-talked. I’ve been provoked. I’ve been abused. I’ve been un-loved. I’ve been put out. I’ve been. overlooked. I’ve been underestimated. I’ve been accused. I’ve been hurt. I’ve been lied to. I’ve been lied on. I’ve been abandoned. Father forgive me for pouting when I should have been praising You. Because You chose me! You love me. You see me when no one else does or chooses to. You heal my hurts. You purify my wounds. You solidify who I am. You redeem me. You see my worth. You notice my potential to grow more at every stage. & by Your sweet grace you kept me from insanity. God, I beg that you create in me a clean heart. Please, renew the right spirit in me. In Jesus’ Holy name I pray. Amen.

Ooop there it is …

When you change your mind about yourself AND your Savior , EVERYTHING else will change . Everything else will fall into alignment if you change your mind by first changing your thoughts. I say this because when negative thoughts are continuously added & stored in your mental space , they make it right down into the valley. Right where you were serving so great! Right where you were trusting that God was on His way. Right where you knew that your power was about to be restored. That negativity & pouting came & began destroying. Ripping the roots out from every seed you’ve planted thus far. You are destroying your own hard work love !

What you believed when you prayed those “weakest moment” prayers. Those most remembered prayers. The prayers that gave you the strength to cut off the wrong friendships and relationships. The weary yet ambitious prayers that pushed you to quit that stressful job & search for better. The hopeful prayers that gave you strength to leave that broken man , leave broken that woman. Or even the prayers that took the last bit of strength you had that caused you to stay with that evolving man or stay with that woman that you seen growth in. It was all because of the faith you had in God when you broke down to pray. The prayer you prayed that brought you to that breakthrough. Seen that miracle. Received that blessing. That prayer that you had to pray when you left the city with almost just pennies in your pockets. It ALL started with your faith.

That faith we can’t see but when struck with hardships. That same faith that summons the angels to move on your behalf.

It’s in that cry when you’re at your weakest, telling God you need him. It’s in that pouting that pushes you to wipe your face & push through.

It’s important to change your mind so that you have the divine ability to speak clear over your life. You have to speak over what you believe you are & Whose you believe you are. You are not what they cannot see that you are. “They” promote unbelief. Then “they” will rule your life because “they” control how you feel about YOURSELF. Following that “They” take power over your emotions. & That’s when you become weak to the world because “they” don’t & won’t validate you. But let me tell you right now, well you tell yourself right now: THEY ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO TAKE FROM ME. THEY ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO CONTROL MY LIFE. THEY ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO MAKE ME FEEL INFERIOR. Because THEY ARE NOT!

When all along you should only be weak (IN A VULNERABLE SENSE) & inferior to Christ because He will always redeem you.

Don’t ever walk around dead in this world because “they” misplaced who you are & you won’t speak to who you really are.

Change your mind.

& no I’m not saying walk around all high & mighty because it is only through Christ that you are Superior. But you have to believe that. So then , no one can overlook you without taking a step back. No one can underestimate you because your power is going to be so full that they’ll need your type of strength to see them through. No one can make you feel like an option because by the Greatest, you’ve already been chosen. Speak clearly over yourself so that you can begin to declare what you believe.

No one can miss use me.

No one can misplace my value.

I will serve like Jesus.

I will not be defeated.

I choose me because God chose me.

I am made whole, complete in a way that is a more solid than I have ever been.

(& I thought I was solid before.) 😂💪🏾




God’s Daughter. Roiyce & Chayse’s Mommy. & The rest I’m figuring out!