Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2019


This particular morning when I woke, I cried. I was so tired šŸ˜“ I woke up overwhelmed. Which gives me anxiety, which makes me angry. Angry with myself for being a bad sport to the team that matters, my kids. Ugggghhhhh! Itā€™s me again taking the kids to their morning places ; 1 to school , 1 to daycare . Then I go back to bring them back just to go back so I can be at school or work.

Iā€™m stretched so thin man! I just think like how I was chosen to be in this position?! To be mom all the time?! To be the only parent on the go for them, dropping everything for them, sacrificing for themā€¦ all the time. Like who trusted me with this position! This position that had high demands & seemingly low pay. šŸ˜“ Like legit God gave me this job. He chose me for this position thatā€™s seemingly so honored yet so complicated. #Mom #Ma #Mutha #Mommy.

Still weak .

But somehow in the midst I began to submit to that awful feeling ā€¦. & we got into the car.

SO HERE WE ARE ā€¦. Iā€™m getting them to where they need to be. Iā€™m telling myself that my mind has to change. Iā€™m telling God that everything that Iā€™m thinking about the situation right now has to change & I have to think the opposite of the negative emotions. I had to find it in me to run through my own head with some big olā€™ positive facts! .

As I mumbled I surrendered personally , but aloud with the little pinch of endurance I had left in me.

I quickly realized how beautiful it is to be able to change my mindset & the way I was thinking. I tapped into that realization with no fear & began to thank that Lord for my ability to take them to their daily destinations .My daughter was doing great in school ! Daycare was current. & Among these facts were the facts that deeply touched my spirit. The truest facts; we were safe when we laid our heads at night, we had clean clothes, we werenā€™t lacking for food, and we had each other. These were reasons to give God so much glory & I did just that. However with so much thanksgiving in my heartā€¦ my flesh still allowed a thought to creep into my mindā€¦; I wanted someone to talk to about these rough moments that I had to endure alone. An adult. A companion. Someone to rub my head & say ā€œitā€™s s going to be just fineā€. Someone to hug me and squeeze tightly so Iā€™d be forced to exhale the pouting away. Someone that endured these days with me & made them easier. A ā€œbaeā€ā€¦. A Husband!!!

My mouth said God, I worship You . But my mind screamed ā€œI WANT SOMEONE TO COMFORT ME IN THE FLESH RIGHT NOOOOOOWWWW!!!!ā€

& Then it hit me , I was gonna start writing him. Confiding in Him. & praying for Him. Yep, the man I didnā€™t have. The future husband I couldnā€™t even see.




Godā€™s Daughter. Roiyce & Chayseā€™s Mommy. & The rest Iā€™m figuring out!