Nginx as Reverse Proxy with GRPC

Sohit kumar
Nggawe Nirman Tech Blog
3 min readSep 15, 2019

While trying to setup Nginx as a reverse proxy with GRPC, I had to spend a few hours to go through the GRPC, NGINX tutorial to figure out the process and make it work.

With this article of mine, I would like to help anyone to set it up quickly.

Nginx acting as a reverse proxy (Source:Nginx)

In this setup where Nginx acts as a reverse proxy, client makes a call to Nginx at port localhost:1449 which then routes the request to the server running at port localhost:1338.

Generate the certificates to establish secure connection (ssl)

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -x509 -days 365 -out server.crt

Add -subj '/CN=localhost' to suppress questions about the contents of the certificate (replace localhost with your desired domain).

For our setup we will be using localhost as the CN value.

NGINX Configuration:

upstream dev {
server localhost:1338;
server {listen 1449 ssl http2;ssl_certificate /tmp/server.crt; #Enter you certificate location
ssl_certificate_key /tmp/server.key;
location /helloworld.Greeter {
grpc_pass grpcs://dev;


The initial setup of the GRPC server can be done by following the below links. It already has ready to use code with all the stubs generated.

#GRPC hello world tutorial for python the sample repository git clone -b v1.23.0 examples/python/helloworld## if you want to make any changes to proto file and regenerate  the stub , go to helloworld directory and run the below command python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../protos — python_out=. — grpc_python_out=. ../../protos/helloworld.proto

The highlighted code change is required to your server and client-side to make use of the ask certificate to verify the server and establish a secure connection between the client and server via Nginx.

Ensure to have the correct path for your certificates in Nginx config, server and client-side.

from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import grpcimport helloworld_pb2
import helloworld_pb2_grpc
def run():
# NOTE(gRPC Python Team): .close() is possible on a channel and should be
# used in circumstances in which the with statement does not fit the needs
# of the code.
host = ‘localhost’
port = 1449
with open(‘server.crt’, ‘rb’) as f: # path to you cert location
trusted_certs =
credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=trusted_certs)
#channel = grpc.secure_channel(‘{}:{}’.format(host, port), credentials)
with grpc.secure_channel(‘{}:{}’.format(host, port), credentials) as channel:
stub = helloworld_pb2_grpc.GreeterStub(channel)
response = stub.SayHello(helloworld_pb2.HelloRequest(name=’you’))
print(“Greeter client received: “ + response.message)
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

from concurrent import futures
import time
import logging
import grpcimport helloworld_pb2
import helloworld_pb2_grpc
_ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24class Greeter(helloworld_pb2_grpc.GreeterServicer):def SayHello(self, request, context):
return helloworld_pb2.HelloReply(message=’Hello, %s!’ %
def serve():
port = ‘1338’
with open(‘server.key’, ‘rb’) as f: #path to you key location
private_key =
with open(‘server.crt’, ‘rb’) as f: #path to your cert location
certificate_chain =
server_credentials = grpc.ssl_server_credentials(
((private_key, certificate_chain,),))

server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
helloworld_pb2_grpc.add_GreeterServicer_to_server(Greeter(), server)
server.add_secure_port(‘[::]:’+port, server_credentials)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

I hope this could help you get a basic understanding of setting up Nginx with GRPC.

Suggestions and inputs are always welcome.

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Sohit kumar
Nggawe Nirman Tech Blog

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