2024 Book List

Niru’s Notes


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

This post is my running list of books read in 2024.

Why am I sharing this?

What’s in it for You?

  • Because I like to share key takeaways and lesson from books. Those posts are my most engaging ones — so I know readers in my microcosm of Medium enjoy such articles.
  • I am working on improving brevity- does not come naturally to me and this is an excellent way for the same. I encourage you to do the same- am trying to ensure that these stoke your creativity too.
  • Reading, Reflecting and Writing have multiple benefits and a trusted pathway to increasing creativity, critical thinking and leadership. It’s also my favorite way to self improvement.

The List

Without further ado, here is the list of 2024-

What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

Becoming Coachable

At Home with Madame Chic


Attitude 101- audiobook

Kurashi at Home

Clear the Clutter

Chicken soup for Working Moms Soul:

This entire series is delightful and heartwarming- I share 3 reasons to devour the entire collection here.



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.